Friday, June 24, 2011

"Welcome to Camp Run Amok"

Whilst browsing in the local Ross/Home Goods/Marshalls I spotted a hanging sign that said
"Welcome to Camp Run Amok" of course I promptly bought it, because it was kitschy and cool.

I proudly showed my purchase to my mother who lives upstairs from me and she snorted and said
"Well thats the truth"

And there you go.

Welcome to Camp Run Amok. Where I shall wax poetic about the heartfelt joys of motherhood to my two angelic cherubs, the personal satisfaction of being a dutiful wife to a wonderful and considerate husband, and share photographs of my tastefully decorated house (which is ALWAYS clean of course) and the award winning landscaping around my elegant home.

Sorry, had to take a break for the monkeys to fly out of my...arse (arse really sounds better than ass doesnt it?)

Hey it's my life. Where more often than not..everything runs amok.

Read it and weep!